Smartface Training Plan
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Topics Covered in Smartface Training
- Mobile App Development and Lifecycle Management Methodology
- Analysis
- Mock-up Design
- Visual Design
- Coding
- Testing
- Distribution
- Management
- Getting Started with Smartface Cloud
- Registration
- Using Smartface Dashboard
- Creating/Managing Smartface Projects
- On Device Emulators
- Smartface Cloud IDE
- IDE Introduction
- Visual Design Editor
- Script Editor
- Collaboration
- Terminal & Git
- Smartface Native Framework
- Smartface Project Structure
- JavaScript
- Basics
- Function Scopes
- Require pattern
- Extend pattern
- Framework Elements
- User Interface Elements
- Flex Layout
- UI Elements
- Router
- Animator
- Localization
- Accessing Device capabilities
- Data & IO & Network operations
- Timers & Threads
- Advanced Use Cases
- Native API Access
- Plugin Development
- Debugging
- Smartface Cloud Mobile App Lifecycle Management
- Cloud Build
- Testing Distribution
- Remote App Update
- Single Link Distribution
- Enterprise App Store
- Submit to App Store
Smartface Training Daily Plan
- Day 1
- First Half
- Getting started & Introduction
- Mobile App Development Mindset and Approaches
- Development in the Cloud
- Second Half
- Getting Started
- Hello World
- Cloud Build
- Testing Distribution
- Remote App Update
- Homework
- Flex Layout
- First Half
- Day 2
- First Half
- UI Components
- Second Half
- UI Components (continued)
- JavaScript (1 hr)
- Localization
- Networking
- Fetching data and displaying in the UI
- Device Features
- First Half
- Day 3
- First Half
- Smartface Native Extensions & Plugins
- Second Half
- Smartface Lifecycle Management Features
- First Half
- Day 4
- Full Day
- Developing Sample pages (Login, Fetch Data & List)
- Advanced sample pages based on the progress
- Feedback Collection and Survey
- Full Day