How to monetize your apps and earn money from Smartface apps with AdMob and In-App Purchases

As the name implies, AdMob is a mobile advertising platform owned by Google. There are many mobile advertising networks such as Apple’s iAd or Facebook ads, but their market share is limited compared to AdMob.

AdMob’s is a cross-platform environment just like Smartface, it offers advertising for all mobile platforms including iOS, Android and Windows Phone. What’s more is that AdMob is connected both with Google’s desktop advertising platform AdSense and ad serving platform AdWords. Therefore, with a single account, you can manage all your earnings from different sources.

To use AdMob in your mobile apps, you need to register with Google for free and then install its SDK, but with Smartface, you don’t need to bother with installing and updating AdMob SDK. Smartface App Studio already has AdMob SDK built-in for both iOS and Android. After creating a suitable ad unit in AdMob control panel, you can follow the instructions in the “Implementing AdMob” article to add advertisements to your app.

Then you are ready to earn money whenever users view or click the ads in your mobile application. Your payments are made automatically to your specified bank account. Moreover, you can track the performance of the ads with detailed analytics and adjust you ad placement in your app. Here is a final motivation for you, the Flappy Bird app is said to earn $50K per day just from ads.

Alternatively, “freemium” model is very popular these days, you can offer your app for free and then you can use in-app purchases (IAP) to monetize your app. It is very easy to implement in-app purchases with Smartface in a cross-platform way. For implementing in-app purchases to your apps, please refer to our API documents.

With Smartface, you can develop cross-platform native iOS and Android apps with high productivity and low costs. Even with the free community version, there are no limits for using AdMob or in-app purchases; you can make a profit with zero investment.

Start developing profitable mobile apps right now by downloading Smartface.